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Command line tools are written in chicken scheme.

Why Chicken Scheme?

  1. Need to create small unix friendly tools.
  2. Need good cross-platform support for filesystem, http, etc.
  3. Alpheus and Justin like Lisp.

From FAQ

  • CHICKEN is portable because it generates C code that runs on a large number of platforms.
  • CHICKEN is extensible, since its code generation scheme and runtime system/garbage collector fits neatly into a C environment.
  • CHICKEN offers better performance than nearly all interpreter based implementations, but still provides full Scheme semantics.


To install eggs:

chicken-install {egg name}

Egg Index



To install chicken on debian:

sudo apt install chicken



Windows requires mingw-w64 for csc and for building itself. This is a one time installation

Direct link

The direct link comes from the listing titled "MinGW-W64-builds" on this page:


Note: You must use mingw-w64, classic mingw does not work (Justin tried).

It is recommended to use mingw-w64 in place of mingw32 as the mingw32 project is no longer as actively maintained. Reference

Building Chicken

To install chicken on windows, download a tarball

unpack the tarball

tar -xzf chicken-4.13.0.tar.gz
mingw32-make PLATFORM=mingw ARCH=x86-64 PREFIX=c:/chicken
mingw32-make PLATFORM=mingw ARCH=x86-64 PREFIX=c:/chicken install


Note that the build process generates a chicken-defaults.h and chicken-config.h based on the system configuation. If the build fails you may have to erase these to have it regenerate.

Then add C:\chicken\bin to the users' path. (My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced Settings -> Enviornmental variables)

Our Windows Server

You can get into the server and setup tunneling for VNC by typing:

ssh -p 39089 -L 5900:localhost:5900

Talk to Justin for the password.

vim and nano are installed. exit can be used to logoff.

With SSH running you can use a VNC client such as tiger-vncviewr. The VNC password is admin.