Salt Cheat Sheet
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- Shameless rip from
Contents 1 BOOTSTRAP 2 SERVICES 3 TARGETING 4 KEY MANAGEMENT 5 SERVER DIAGNOSTICS 6 GRAINS 7 MINE 8 PACKAGES AND INSTALLATION 9 JOBS AND PROCESS CONTROL 10 REACTOR 11 DEBUG 12 FILE OPERATIONS 13 USER AND GROUP MGMT 14 STATES 15 SSH Management (Agentless) 16 PILLAR 17 PORTS & NETWORK 18 JINJA 19 ETC DOCS & FILES Modules List State List Salt source files /usr/lib/python<version>/site-packages/salt BOOTSTRAP Bootstrap Install wget -O install Master sh -M install specific Salt version sh git v2015.8.8 SERVICES Start / Stop / Restart service on Minion salt 'target' service.start "service name" (start/stop/restart) Restart Minion on Win target salt 'target' 'start powershell "Restart-Service -Name salt-minion"' Restart Minion on Linux target salt 'target' 'service salt-minion restart"' Execute a script remotely salt target cmd.exec_code python 'import sys; print sys.version' 2.7.8 GCC 4.9.1 salt target cmd.exec_code sh 'echo $PATH' /usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin Check service on minion salt target service.status httpd Check if service is available salt target service.available httpd get all services salt target service.get_all reload a service config (avoids restart) salt target service.reload httpd start | stop | restart a service salt target service.start httpd TARGETING by OS grain salt -G os:Windows "net stop Firewall" by other grains salt –G 'server_type:app and env:prod' state.highstate target EC2 instances only salt -G uuid:ec2\* compound match salt –C 'server_type:web and clo*' state.sls nginx list based match salt –L 'hostname1,hostname2,hostname3' state.sls ntp Nodegroup match salt –N ny_db_servers 'ps –ef | grep mysql' regex OR salt -E "(nyweb|db5)" by pillar value salt -I 'role:webserver' KEY MANAGEMENT Add Minions to Master salt-key -L (show pending to be accepted) salt-key -A (accept all pending) salt-key -a target (accept by hostname) Remove inactive minions from Salt salt-run manage.down removekeys=True Remove minions by name salt-key -D targetName SERVER DIAGNOSTICS Test Connection salt 'target' Diagnostics salt target status.all_status // gets all info status.cpu_info status.cpustats status.uptime status.diskusage // or disk.usage status.loadavg status.meminfo status.netdev // network device status.netstats //network stats status.procs status.version //system version status.vmstats //virtual mem stats status.w //who is logged in Show Minions by State (Up/Down) salt-run manage.up salt-run manage.down salt-run manage.status (show all by status) Compliance and Audit to get a compliance result, run a State check with test=True salt \* state.highstate test=True This will return any differences from existing configuration to whats in the Top file Show Salt Master version salt --versions-report Show Salt Minion version salt-call --versions-report Start Minion in Debug mode salt-master --log-level=debug Restart everything on Master: pkill salt-minion //Kill minion pkill salt-syndic // Kill Syndic salt-run cache.clear_all //Clear all cache salt '*' saltutil.sync_grains //Sync grains salt-master -d //Start master daemon salt-minion -d //Start minion daemon salt-syndic -d //Start syndic daemon Agent Env Info show all information about a minion (lots of data) salt minion status.all_status show memory salt minion status.meminfo show disk usage salt minion status.diskusage show who is logged in salt minion status.w GRAINS Show Grain data salt '*' salt '*' grains.items get specific Grain salt cent7 grains.get selinux cent7: ---------- enabled: True enforced: Enforcing can also do the same with salt cent7 grains.item selinux set a Grain data on a node salt cent7 grains.set 'apps:Myapp:port' 2500 salt cent7 grains.item apps cent7: ---------- apps: ---------- Myapp: ---------- port: 2500 All grain data is stored on the minion in /etc/salt/grains file if adding more data manually, refresh Grains on the Master to pick up changes salt target saltutil.refresh_modules Use grain in a state file apache: pkg.installed: {% if grains['os'] == 'RedHat' %} - name: httpd show JSON output salt target grains.item ipv4 --out=json { "target": { "ipv4": [ "", "", "" ] } } Use grain as a variable {% set nodename = grains['nodename'] %} base: '*': - common - packages - users - servers.{{ nodename }} MINE show mine data salt \* mine.get \* x509.get_pem_entries PACKAGES AND INSTALLATION Verbose output (timeout 300 sec) salt 'target' state.hightstate -t 300 -v Show package version salt 'target' pkg.version apache install package on minions salt 'target' pkg.install apache Uninstall pkg salt 'target' pkg.remove 'npp' salt 'target' pkg.purge 'npp' Show Installed Packages or Software salt 'target' pkg.list_pkgs show all packages that need updates salt target pkg.list_upgrades upgrade all packages salt target pkg.upgrade Windows (Chocolatey) install chocolatey salt wintarget chocolatey.bootstrap install pkg using choco salt mrxwin7 chocolatey.install 7zip JOBS AND PROCESS CONTROL Show all Salt jobs run history salt-run jobs.list_jobs Show active Salt jobs salt-run // returns a Job ID Show currently running processes on a minion salt '*' saltutil.running Kill active job salt 'target' saltutil.kill_job $JOB_ID salt '*' saltutil.term_job <job id> Clear Job cache salt '*' saltutil.clear_cache REACTOR examples of reactor matching /etc/salt/master.d/reactor.conf reactor: - 'sayhello': - /srv/reactor/test.sls /srv/reactor/test.sls {% if data['id'].startswith('web') %} sayhello: local.state.apply: - tgt: {{ data['id'] }} - arg: - say-hello - tgt: minion1 - arg: - "echo 'hello' > /tmp hello" {% endif %} DEBUG Run highstate in debug salt-call -l debug state.highstate Run specific state in debug salt-call -l debug state.sls elasticsearch show highstate process (debug YAML syntax errors) salt-call state.show_highstate show specific State details salt 'target' state.show_sls apache show only Changed and Failed during run modify /etc/salt/master and /etc/salt/minion, restart Master after change state_verbose: True state_output: mixed start minion in debug, see connection errors salt-minion -l debug if Master not seeing Minion key requests, add IPTables rules to Master, root@master# iptables -I INPUT -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports 4505,4506 -j ACCEPT root@master# iptables -I INPUT -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports 4505,4506 -j ACCEPT # reject everything else, root@master# iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports 4505,4506 -j REJECT Log Jinja variables to Minion {% do salt.log.error('testing jinja logging') -%} show Options passed to a State (ie, test=true) {% do salt.log.error(opts['test']) -%} Output variables from State file, show_var: - test.show_notification: - text: This is my var {{ var }} Exit w failure message fail_run: test.fail_without_changes: - name: your message here FILE OPERATIONS Check if file contains a string (true/false) salt '*' file.contains /etc/ssh/sshd_config 'Port' Check if a file on the Salt minions contains a certain regex (search file on minions): salt "*" file.contains_regex /etc/resolv.conf "timeout.4" check if file is a file or directory salt target file.stats /etc/hosts Find a file salt '*' file.find /etc name=host\*.\* result - /etc/host.conf - /etc/hosts.allow - /etc/hosts.deny' copy small file ( > 100kb) from Master to minion salt-cp 'target' /opt/file (source) /opt (destination) copy dir from Master /srv/salt area to minion salt 'target' cp.get_dir salt://myDir /target/dir copy large file from Master /srv/salt/distribution folder to minion salt 'target' cp.get_file salt://distribution/myFile.tar /tmp/myFile.tar copy file from one minion to another using MinionFS (only works on Salt 2016.3.2) add MinionFS to master conf file vi /etc/salt/master add this lines: minionfs_mountpoint: salt://minionfs file_recv: True restart Master get the file from the minion and store it in MinionFS salt 'target' cp.push /path/to/file/or/dir/on/minion files are stored on Master in here: /var/cache/salt/master/minions/<minion> copy file from Minion to Master on Master, set "file_recv: True" in /etc/salt/master, restart Master to copy file, salt \* cp.push /path/to/file/on/minion all files are stored on Master /var/cache/salt/master/minions/<minion>/files add host entry to a minion salt target hosts.add_host hostname Replace contents of file with new value salt '*' file.sed /etc/ssh/sshd_config 'Port 22' 'Port 2201' Create folder salt '*' file.makedirs /tmp/testFolder/ (for windows use native Win syntax, ie C:/temp/dir) Delete folder salt '*' file.remove /tmp/testFolder Create new file salt '*' file.touch /tmp/testFolder/emptyFile manage file content in State file /etc/fstab: file.line: - content: "proc /proc" - mode: insert - after replace contents of file update_modprobe: file.replace: - name: /etc/modprobe.d/salt_cis.conf - pattern: "^install {{ fs }} /bin/true" - repl: install {{ fs }} /bin/true - append_if_not_found: True create symlink symlink: file.symlink: - name: /path/to/A - target: /symlink/path/A create directory /home/qb/q3: - user: qb - group: qb - dir_mode: 755 - file_mode: 755 - require: - user: qb replace file contents using Augeas sshd_config: augeas.change: - context: /files/etc/ssh/sshd_config - changes: - set Port 8888 - set PasswordAuthentication yes - set PubkeyAuthentication yes copy directory from Master to minion app_ta_nix_dir: file.recurse: - name: /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/apps/Splunk_TA_nix - source: salt://{{ slspath }}/files/apps/Splunk_TA_nix - makedirs: True - user: splunk - group: splunk - file_mode: 0755 File Managed try several files if 1st one doesnt exist monit_config: file.managed: - name: /etc/monit/monit.conf - source: - salt://{{ slspath }}/files/configs/host/{{ }}.j2 - salt://{{ slspath }}/files/configs/profile/{{ salt['pillar.get']('profile') }}.j2 - salt://{{ slspath }}/files/configs/default.j2 - template: jinja - makedirs: True - mode: 0600 - user: monit - group: monit USER AND GROUP MGMT Set user's password to 123123 salt '*' shadow.set_password user02 '$6$EYk3o52W$DaSUIfHpYMBkSShFYXdODyrHbmQlCNKFghNl9FZzZshUn240GCOn5szQ3piyBMtt/x4m.' Generate a password salt 'target' shadow.gen_password myP@ssword $6$nTul6WP1$EJ6THWEYKgOuGjqSEhnv8ZcYET6z/sDsSB.YBoyImRWEoDjguvcUahnY3UuNtNpECVhwxsjWI6ucvCc1 Additional ways to generate you own password: python -c "import crypt, getpass, pwd; print crypt.crypt('yourpassword', '\$6\$SALTsalt\$')" openssl passwd -1 Add User salt target user.add Joe Remove User salt '*' user.delete Joe remove=True force=True Show all users on a target salt target user.list_users Info on all users on a target salt target user.getent Info on specific user salt target Joe Add User to Group salt target user.chgroups Joe Administrator, LocalAdmin True // or salt target group.adduser admins Joe Remove User from Group salt target group.deluser admins Joe Show users Groups salt target user.list_groups Joe Change Users Shell salt '*' user.chshell user02 /bin/bash get info on all groups salt target group.getent get info o a particular group salt target splunk Delete group salt target group.delete splunk STATES Highstate salt '*' state.highstate Deploy specific state salt '*' state.apply webserver Run multiple state executions on same minion at once (by design Salt limits 1 state per minion at once) salt target state.sls yourState concurrent=True Requisites unless vim: pkg.installed: - unless: - rpm -q vim-enhanced - ls /usr/bin/vim onlyif set_RTC: - name: "/usr/bin/timedatectl set-local-rtc 0" - onlyif: "/usr/bin/timedatectl | grep "RTC in local TZ" | grep yes" require bar: pkg.installed: - require: - sls: foo onchanges extract_package: archive.extracted: - name: /usr/local/share/myapp - source: /usr/local/share/myapp.tar.xz - archive_format: tar - onchanges: - file: Deploy server package watch ntpd: service.running: - watch: - file: /etc/ntp.conf prereq prereq allows for actions to be taken based on the expected results of a state that has not yet been executed. The state containing the prereq requisite is defined as the pre-requiring state. The state specified in the prereq statement is defined as the pre-required state. graceful-down: - name: service apache graceful - prereq: - file: site-code use The use requisite is used to inherit the arguments passed in another id declaration. This is useful when many files need to have the same defaults. /etc/foo.conf: file.managed: - source: salt://foo.conf - template: jinja - mkdirs: True - user: apache - group: apache - mode: 755 /etc/bar.conf: file.managed: - source: salt://bar.conf - use: - file: /etc/foo.conf require_in vim: pkg.installed: - require_in: - file: /etc/vimrc import YAML data into a state (same with import_json, import_text) {% import_yaml 'formula/facl/files/configs/test.yaml' as myconfig %} show_config: - test.show_notification: - text: {{ myconfig }} SSH Management (Agentless) edit the Roster file, include node's IP address and user to use (do this on Master) vi /etc/salt/roster # Sample salt-ssh config file mrxcloud1: host: # The IP addr or DNS hostname user: fred # Remote executions will be executed as user fred passwd: foobarbaz # The password to use for login, if omitted, keys are used sudo: True # Whether to sudo to root, not enabled by default Run command on node (salt-ssh -i) salt-ssh -i mrxcloud1 "uname -a" To run SSH as another user (non-root) copy /etc/salt directory to /home/user and change perms to user:group should look like, /home/user/salt/master /home/user/salt/minion /home/user/salt/minion.d /home/user/salt/minion_uid /home/user/salt/pki /home/user/salt/var /home/user/salt/roster configure Roster file: /home/joe.shmo/salt/roster edit /home/joe.shmo/salt/master change the following paths pidfile: /home/user/salt/var/run/ log_file: /home/user/salt/var/log/salt/master pki_dir: /home/user/salt/pki/master cachedir: /home/user/salt/var/cache/salt/master Add to the Roster file, the path to the user's private key machine1: host: user: joe.shmo sudo: True priv: /home/joe.shmo/.ssh/id_rsa run command with -c option salt-ssh -c ~/salt -i machine1 "/sbin/service jira status" apply a state file salt-ssh '*' state.apply network Salt Roster File - Ansible-syntax (configure Roster to have variables and Groups) PILLAR Sample Pillar structure to create system users pillar structure Salt top file calls the Users state /srv/salt/top.sls base: '*': - common - users Pillar top file tells what pillars to load for what nodes /srv/pillar/top.sls base: '*': - users Users Pillar contains actual data for users /srv/pillar/users.sls users: spiderman: uid: 1280 fullname: 'spider man' shell: /bin/bash ssh-keys: - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAt1IFQP9xxx black.hood: uid: 1281 fullname: black hood shell: '/bin/bash' ssh-keys: - ssh-rsa AADRN34zf12fdfd343434wAAAQEAwAAAQEA supergirl: uid: 1282 fullname: super girl! shell: '/bin/bash' ssh-keys: - ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBNWRiUmFXjxrp4V - ssh-rsa ABCDEF134343434343dfdfdf343111dgfdfdfdf Salt Users state parses array and creates users, /srv/salt/users.sls {% for user, args in pillar.get('users',{}).iteritems() %} {{ user }}: group.present: - gid: {{ args['uid'] }} user.present: - fullname: {{ args['fullname'] }} - uid: {{ args['uid'] }} - gid: {{ args['uid'] }} - shell: {{ args['shell'] }} - home: /home/{{ user }} {% endfor %} Refresh pillars on all nodes salt \* saltutil.refresh_pillar Look at pillar data salt \* pillar.items get a Pillar value in a state file or Jinja file (and pass a default value if no pillar is found) {{ salt['pillar.get']('role:name', 'default') }} get Pillar value by passing a variable {% for rt in salt['pillar.get']('network:routes:{0}:networks'.format(interface)) -%} get nested pillar value (use semi colon to get to specific key) salt nycweb01 pillar.get users:joe PORTS & NETWORK Master - Agent ports: 4505 (master to agent), 4506 (agent to master) Get IP of a Minion salt target network.ip_addrs Ping from Minion salt target someHostname get all active TCP connections on a minion salt target network.active_tcp get ARP table salt target network.arp test port connectivity for certain port salt target network.connect 80 get hardware address for a MAC salt target network.hw_addr eth0 get intet address for interface salt target network.interface eth0 get all interfaces salt target network.interfaces JINJA For Loop {% for usr in 'moe','larry','curly' %} {{ usr }}: group: - present user: - present - gid_from_name: True - require: - group: {{ usr }} {% endfor %} If Conditional {% if var == 2 %} Var is 2 {% elif var == 5 %} var is 5 {% else %} var is not 2 {% endif %} While loop {% range number from 3 to 6 %} {{ number }} (...) {% endrange %} Comparisons {% if 'Watermelon' ends with 'n' %} It ends with N {% endif %} {% if varA == varB %} {% if varA != varB %} get shell command value from inside Jinja {% set procs = salt['']('ps aux') %} disable tab space in a for loop {% for server in servers %} {{ server }} {% endfor %} results in: server1 server2 to disable this, add #jinja2: lstrip_blocks: True to top of the template Run a state only if a file doesnt exist, {% if not salt['file.directory_exists']('/opt/q') %} deploy_kdb: file.managed: - name: /opt/q.tar.gz - source: salt://repo/q.tar.gz extract_kdb: archive.extracted: - name: /opt/ - source: /opt/q.tar.gz - user: kdb - group: kdb {% endif %} Test for File {% if not salt['file.file_exists']('/opt/file') %} render parameter {{ var_name }} set a parameter {% set fruit = 'apple' %} Iterate dictionary (For Loop) {% for name, app in applications.iteritems() %} {{ name }} {{ app['version'] }} {% endfor %} sort a list {% for vm in vcenter['vm_list']|sort %} {{ vm }} {% endfor %} or by attribute or reverse {% for vm in vcenter['vm_list']|sort(attribute='osname', reverse = True) %} get total # of elements in list {{ myList|length }} If statement with AND & OR {% if var is None and var2 == 'blah' % or val3 == 'shmaa' %} convert variable uppercase / lowercase {{ somevar | upper }} set a default value if value doesnt exist {{ somevar or 'default message here' }} match by regex {% if | regex_match('nyc(.*)', ignorecase=True) %} will match any grain in regex pattern Jinja Tricks difference {{ [1, 2, 3] | difference([2, 3, 4]) | join(', ') }} >> 1 avg, min, max, is_list, {{ [1, 2, 3] | avg }} generate random UID {{ 'random' | uuid }} date format {{ 1457456400 | date_format }} {{ 1457456400 | date_format('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M') }} 2017-03-08 08.03.2017 17:00 string to number {{ '5' | to_num }} run Salt execution module {{'whoami') }} {{'newgroup1') }} regex match {{ 'abcd' | regex_match('BC(.*)', ignorecase=True) }} regex search {{ 'muppet baby' | regex_search('pet(.*)', ignorecase=True) }} >> baby compare_lists, compare_dicts {{ [1,2,3] | compare_lists([1,2,4]) }} >> {'new': 4, 'old': 3} list files in a directory {{ '/etc/salt/' | list_files | join('\n') }} escape Jinja syntax {% raw %} some text that contains jinja {% characters that need to be escaped {% endraw %} iterate a dictionary parent_dict = [{'A':'val1','B':'val2'}] {% for item in parent_dict %} {% for key,val in item.items() %} {{ key }} {{ val }} ETC generate random password hash python -c "import crypt; print(crypt.crypt('password', crypt.mksalt(crypt.METHOD_SHA512)))"