Aks bash
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#!/bin/bash # Variables RESOURCE_GROUP="myResourceGroup" AKS_CLUSTER_NAME="myAKSCluster" LOCATION="eastus" VNET_NAME="myVNet" SUBNET_NAME="mySubnet" # Create resource group (if it doesn't exist) az group create --name $RESOURCE_GROUP --location $LOCATION # Get the Virtual Network ID VNET_ID=$(az network vnet show --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $VNET_NAME --query id --output tsv) # Get the Subnet ID SUBNET_ID=$(az network vnet subnet show --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --vnet-name $VNET_NAME --name $SUBNET_NAME --query id --output tsv) # Create AKS cluster with Calico network policy and private cluster option az aks create \ --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \ --name $AKS_CLUSTER_NAME \ --location $LOCATION \ --enable-managed-identity \ --vnet-subnet-id $SUBNET_ID \ --network-plugin azure \ --network-policy calico \ --node-count 3 \ --vnet-subnet-id $SUBNET_ID \ --generate-ssh-keys \ --enable-private-cluster # Get the credentials for the new AKS cluster az aks get-credentials --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $AKS_CLUSTER_NAME echo "AKS cluster $AKS_CLUSTER_NAME created with Calico network policy and connected to VNet $VNET_NAME in subnet $SUBNET_NAME. The cluster is private."