Kusto queries FD

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Revision as of 20:30, 5 April 2024 by Busk (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Front Door Query '``` AzureDiagnostics | where hostName_s == "<my FQDN of URI>" and requestUri_s hasprefix "https://<$FQDN>:443/my-app-path" | where TimeGenerated between (dat...")
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Front Door Query 'AzureDiagnostics | where hostName_s == "<my FQDN of URI>" and requestUri_s hasprefix "https://<$FQDN>:443/my-app-path" | where TimeGenerated between (datetime("2024-3-21T02:00:00") .. datetime("2024-03-21T03:00:00")) | project TimeGenerated, requestUri_s, httpMethod_s, timeToFirstByte_s, timeTaken_s | extend tt = todecimail(timeTaken_s) | summarize

 request_count = count(),
 min_seconds = min(tt),
 ["50th percentile"] = percentile(tt, 50),
 ["95th percentile"] = percentile(tt, 95),
 ["99th percentile"] = percentile(tt, 99),
 max_seconds = max(tt),
 stdev_seonds = stdev(tt)
 by bin(TimeGenerated, 1h)