Postgres Azure Server parameters
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array_nulls ON OFF Dynamic Enable input of NULL elements in arrays. autovacuum ON OFF Dynamic Starts the autovacuum subprocess. autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor Dynamic Number of tuple inserts, updates, or deletes prior to analyze as a fraction of reltuples. autovacuum_analyze_threshold Dynamic Minimum number of tuple inserts, updates, or deletes prior to analyze. autovacuum_freeze_max_age Static Age at which to autovacuum a table to prevent transaction ID wraparound. Any change requires restarting the server to take effect. autovacuum_max_workers Static Sets the maximum number of simultaneously running autovacuum worker processes. Any change requires restarting the server to take effect. autovacuum_multixact_freeze_max_age Static Multixact age at which to autovacuum a table to prevent multixact wraparound. Any change requires restarting the server to take effect. autovacuum_naptime Dynamic Time to sleep between autovacuum runs. Unit is s. autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay Dynamic Vacuum cost delay in milliseconds, for autovacuum. autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit Dynamic Vacuum cost amount available before napping, for autovacuum. autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor Dynamic Number of tuple updates or deletes prior to vacuum as a fraction of reltuples. autovacuum_vacuum_threshold Dynamic Minimum number of tuple updates or deletes prior to vacuum. autovacuum_work_mem Dynamic Sets the maximum memory to be used by each autovacuum worker process. Unit is kb. backend_flush_after Dynamic Number of pages after which previously performed writes are flushed to disk. Unit is 8kb. backslash_quote Dynamic Sets whether "\'" is allowed in string literals. bgwriter_delay Dynamic Background writer sleep time between rounds. Unit is ms. bgwriter_flush_after Dynamic Number of pages after which previously performed writes are flushed to disk. Unit is 8kb. bgwriter_lru_maxpages Dynamic Background writer maximum number of LRU pages to flush per round. bgwriter_lru_multiplier Dynamic Multiple of the average buffer usage to free per round. bytea_output Dynamic Sets the output format for bytea. check_function_bodies ON OFF Dynamic Check function bodies during CREATE FUNCTION. checkpoint_completion_target Dynamic Time spent flushing dirty buffers during checkpoint, as fraction of checkpoint interval. checkpoint_warning Dynamic Enables warnings if checkpoint segments are filled more frequently than this. Unit is s. client_encoding Dynamic Sets the client's character set encoding. client_min_messages Dynamic Sets the message levels that are sent to the client. commit_delay Dynamic Sets the delay in microseconds between transaction commit and flushing WAL to disk. commit_siblings Dynamic Sets the minimum concurrent open transactions before performing commit_delay. connection_throttling ON OFF Dynamic Enables temporary connection throttling per IP for too many invalid password login failures. constraint_exclusion Dynamic Enables the planner to use constraints to optimize queries. cpu_index_tuple_cost Dynamic Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of processing each index entry during an index scan. cpu_operator_cost Dynamic Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of processing each operator or function call. cpu_tuple_cost Dynamic Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of processing each tuple (row). cursor_tuple_fraction Dynamic Sets the planner's estimate of the fraction of a cursor's rows that will be retrieved. datestyle Dynamic Sets the display format for date and time values. deadlock_timeout Dynamic Sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait on a lock before checking for deadlock. debug_print_parse ON OFF Dynamic Logs each query's parse tree. debug_print_plan ON OFF Dynamic Logs each query's execution plan. debug_print_rewritten ON OFF Dynamic Logs each query's rewritten parse tree. default_statistics_target Dynamic Sets the default statistics target. default_text_search_config Dynamic Sets default text search configuration. default_transaction_deferrable ON OFF Dynamic Sets the default deferrable status of new transactions. default_transaction_isolation Dynamic Sets the transaction isolation level of each new transaction. default_transaction_read_only ON OFF Dynamic Sets the default read-only status of new transactions. default_with_oids ON OFF Dynamic Create new tables with OIDs by default. effective_cache_size Dynamic Sets the planner's assumption about the size of the disk cache. Unit is 8kb. enable_bitmapscan ON OFF Dynamic Enables the planner's use of bitmap-scan plans. enable_hashagg ON OFF Dynamic Enables the planner's use of hashed aggregation plans. enable_hashjoin ON OFF Dynamic Enables the planner's use of hash join plans. enable_indexonlyscan ON OFF Dynamic Enables the planner's use of index-only-scan plans. enable_indexscan ON OFF Dynamic Enables the planner's use of index-scan plans. enable_material ON OFF Dynamic Enables the planner's use of materialization. enable_mergejoin ON OFF Dynamic Enables the planner's use of merge join plans. enable_nestloop ON OFF Dynamic Enables the planner's use of nested-loop join plans. enable_partitionwise_aggregate ON OFF Dynamic Enables or disables the query planner's use of partitionwise grouping or aggregation, which allows grouping or aggregation on a partitioned tables performed separately for each partition. enable_partitionwise_join ON OFF Dynamic Enables or disables the query planner's use of partitionwise join, which allows a join between partitioned tables to be performed by joining the matching partitions. enable_seqscan ON OFF Dynamic Enables the planner's use of sequential-scan plans. enable_sort ON OFF Dynamic Enables the planner's use of explicit sort steps. enable_tidscan ON OFF Dynamic Enables the planner's use of TID scan plans. escape_string_warning ON OFF Dynamic Warn about backslash escapes in ordinary string literals. exit_on_error ON OFF Dynamic Terminate session on any error. extra_float_digits Dynamic Sets the number of digits displayed for floating-point values. force_parallel_mode Dynamic Forces use of parallel query facilities. from_collapse_limit Dynamic Sets the FROM-list size beyond which subqueries are not collapsed. geqo ON OFF Dynamic Enables genetic query optimization. geqo_effort Dynamic GEQO: effort is used to set the default for other GEQO parameters. geqo_generations Dynamic GEQO: number of iterations of the algorithm. geqo_pool_size Dynamic GEQO: number of individuals in the population. geqo_seed Dynamic GEQO: seed for random path selection. geqo_selection_bias Dynamic GEQO: selective pressure within the population. geqo_threshold Dynamic Sets the threshold of FROM items beyond which GEQO is used. gin_fuzzy_search_limit Dynamic Sets the maximum allowed result for exact search by GIN. gin_pending_list_limit Dynamic Sets the maximum size of the pending list for GIN index. Unit is kb. hot_standby_feedback ON OFF Dynamic Allows feedback from a hot standby to the primary that will avoid query conflicts. idle_in_transaction_session_timeout Dynamic Sets the maximum allowed duration of any idling transaction. Unit is ms. intervalstyle Dynamic Sets the display format for interval values. join_collapse_limit Dynamic Sets the FROM-list size beyond which JOIN constructs are not flattened. lc_monetary Dynamic Sets the locale for formatting monetary amounts. lc_numeric Dynamic Sets the locale for formatting numbers. lo_compat_privileges ON OFF Dynamic Enables backward compatibility mode for privilege checks on large objects. lock_timeout Dynamic Sets the maximum allowed duration (in milliseconds) of any wait for a lock. 0 turns this off. log_autovacuum_min_duration Dynamic Sets the minimum execution time above which autovacuum actions will be logged. Unit is ms. log_checkpoints ON OFF Dynamic Logs each checkpoint. log_connections ON OFF Dynamic Logs each successful connection. log_disconnections ON OFF Dynamic Logs end of a session, including duration. log_duration ON OFF Dynamic Logs the duration of each completed SQL statement. log_error_verbosity Dynamic Sets the verbosity of logged messages. log_line_prefix Dynamic Sets the printf-style string that is output at the beginning of each log line. log_lock_waits ON OFF Dynamic Logs long lock waits. log_min_duration_statement Dynamic Sets the minimum execution time (in milliseconds) above which statements will be logged. -1 disables logging statement durations. log_min_error_statement Dynamic Causes all statements generating error at or above this level to be logged. log_min_messages Dynamic Sets the message levels that are logged. log_replication_commands ON OFF Dynamic Logs each replication command. log_retention_days Dynamic Sets how many days a log file is saved for. log_statement Dynamic Sets the type of statements logged. log_statement_stats ON OFF Dynamic For each query, writes cumulative performance statistics to the server log. log_temp_files Dynamic Log the use of temporary files larger than this number of kilobytes. logging_collector ON OFF Static Enable .log files. Setting is independent of Azure Monitor logging options. Any change requires restarting the server to take effect. maintenance_work_mem Dynamic Sets the maximum memory to be used for maintenance operations. Unit is kb. max_locks_per_transaction Static Sets the maximum number of locks per transaction. Any change requires restarting the server to take effect. When running a replica server, you must set this parameter to the same or higher value than on the master server. max_parallel_workers Dynamic Sets the maximum number of parallel workers than can be active at one time. max_parallel_workers_per_gather Dynamic Sets the maximum number of parallel processes per executor node. max_prepared_transactions Static Sets the maximum number of simultaneously prepared transactions. Any change requires restarting the server to take effect. When running a replica server, you must set this parameter to the same or higher value than on the master server. max_replication_slots Static IMPORTANT NOTE: Generally a single digit value is sufficient for this parameter for most scenarios. Only in scenarios like migration where there is a need to migrate 10's of databases at once should you set this to a higher value. Also change max_wal_senders accordingly. Description: Specifies the maximum number of replication slots that the server can support. max_standby_archive_delay Dynamic Sets the maximum delay before canceling queries when a hot standby server is processing archived WAL data. Unit is ms. max_standby_streaming_delay Dynamic Sets the maximum delay before canceling queries when a hot standby server is processing streamed WAL data. Unit is ms. max_wal_senders Static IMPORTANT NOTE: In PG 11 and lower, the value max_wal_senders MUST be much smaller relative to max_connections since it takes up the connection slots. See for max_connections info in single server. Typically a single digit value suffices for most scenarios. Only in scenarios like migration where there is a need to migrate 10's of databases at once should you set this to a higher value. Also change max_replication_slots accordingly. Description: The parameter specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections from standby servers or streaming base backup clients (i.e., the maximum number of simultaneously running WAL sender processes). max_wal_size Dynamic Sets the WAL size that triggers a checkpoint. Unit is mb. min_parallel_index_scan_size Dynamic Sets the minimum amount of index data for a parallel scan. Unit is 8kb. min_parallel_table_scan_size Dynamic Sets the minimum amount of table data for a parallel scan. Unit is 8kb. min_wal_size Dynamic Sets the minimum size to shrink the WAL to. Unt is mb. old_snapshot_threshold Static Time before a snapshot is too old to read pages changed after the snapshot was taken. Any change requires restarting the server to take effect. Unit is min. operator_precedence_warning ON OFF Dynamic Emit a warning for constructs that changed meaning since PostgreSQL 9.4. parallel_leader_participation ON OFF Dynamic Enables or disables the query planner's use of partitionwise grouping or aggregation, which allows grouping or aggregation on a partitioned tables performed separately for each partition. parallel_setup_cost Dynamic Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of starting up worker processes for parallel query. parallel_tuple_cost Dynamic Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of passing each tuple (row) from worker to master backend. pg_qs.interval_length_minutes Static Sets the query_store capture interval in minutes for pg_qs - this is the frequency of data persistence. pg_qs.max_query_text_length Dynamic Sets the maximum query text length that will be saved; longer queries will be truncated. pg_qs.query_capture_mode Dynamic Selects which statements are tracked by pg_qs. pg_qs.replace_parameter_placeholders ON OFF Dynamic Selects whether parameter placeholders are replaced in parameterized queries. pg_qs.retention_period_in_days Dynamic Sets the retention period window in days for pg_qs - after this time data will be deleted. pg_qs.track_utility ON OFF Dynamic Selects whether utility commands are tracked by pg_qs. pg_stat_statements.max Static Sets the maximum number of statements tracked by pg_stat_statements. Any change requires restarting the server to take effect. ON OFF Dynamic Save pg_stat_statements statistics across server shutdowns. pg_stat_statements.track Dynamic Controls which statements are counted by pg_stat_statements. pg_stat_statements.track_utility ON OFF Dynamic Selects whether utility commands are tracked by pg_stat_statements. pgms_wait_sampling.history_period Dynamic Set the frequency, in milliseconds, at which wait events are sampled. pgms_wait_sampling.query_capture_mode Dynamic Selects which statements are tracked by the pgms_wait_sampling extension. postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers Dynamic Controls postgis GDAL enabled driver settings. quote_all_identifiers ON OFF Dynamic When generating SQL fragments, quote all identifiers. random_page_cost Dynamic Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of a nonsequentially fetched disk page. row_security ON OFF Dynamic Enable row security. search_path Dynamic Sets the schema search order for names that are not schema-qualified. seq_page_cost Dynamic Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of a sequentially fetched disk page. session_replication_role Dynamic Sets the session's behavior for triggers and rewrite rules. shared_preload_libraries Static Sets which shared libraries are preloaded at server start. Any change requires a restart to take effect. statement_timeout Dynamic Sets the maximum allowed duration (in milliseconds) of any statement. 0 turns this off. synchronize_seqscans ON OFF Dynamic Enable synchronized sequential scans. synchronous_commit Dynamic Sets the current transaction's synchronization level. tcp_keepalives_count Dynamic Maximum number of TCP keepalive retransmits. tcp_keepalives_idle Dynamic Time between issuing TCP keepalives. Unit is s. tcp_keepalives_interval Dynamic Time between TCP keepalive retransmits.Unit is s. temp_buffers Dynamic Sets the maximum number of temporary buffers used by each database session. Unit is 8kb. timezone Dynamic Sets the time zone for displaying and interpreting time stamps track_activities ON OFF Dynamic Collects information about executing commands. track_activity_query_size Static Sets the size reserved for pg_stat_activity.query, in bytes. Any change requires restarting the server to take effect. track_commit_timestamp ON OFF Static Collects transaction commit time. Any change requires restarting the server to take effect. track_counts ON OFF Dynamic Collects statistics on database activity. track_functions Dynamic Collects function-level statistics on database activity. track_io_timing ON OFF Dynamic Collects timing statistics for database I/O activity. transform_null_equals ON OFF Dynamic Treats "expr=NULL" as "expr IS NULL". vacuum_cost_delay Dynamic Vacuum cost delay in milliseconds. vacuum_cost_limit Dynamic Vacuum cost amount available before napping. vacuum_cost_page_dirty Dynamic Vacuum cost for a page dirtied by vacuum. vacuum_cost_page_hit Dynamic Vacuum cost for a page found in the buffer cache. vacuum_cost_page_miss Dynamic Vacuum cost for a page not found in the buffer cache. vacuum_defer_cleanup_age Dynamic Number of transactions by which VACUUM and HOT cleanup should be deferred, if any. vacuum_freeze_min_age Dynamic Minimum age at which VACUUM should freeze a table row. vacuum_freeze_table_age Dynamic Age at which VACUUM should scan whole table to freeze tuples. vacuum_multixact_freeze_min_age Dynamic Minimum age at which VACUUM should freeze a MultiXactId in a table row. vacuum_multixact_freeze_table_age Dynamic Multixact age at which VACUUM should scan whole table to freeze tuples. wal_buffers Static Sets the number of disk-page buffers in shared memory for WAL. Any change requires restarting the server to take effect. Unit is 8kb. wal_receiver_status_interval Dynamic Sets the maximum interval between WAL receiver status reports to the primary. Unit is s.