Bash test missing variables

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n particular, one could use [ -n "${1-}" ] (that is, with an empty default value) to see if the parameter is set and non-empty; or [ "${1+x}" = x ] to see if it's set, even if empty. – 
 Aug 16, 2018 at 18:30
I still get unbound variable error despite using if [[ -n ${1-default} ]] – 
Chaitanya Bapat
 Dec 7, 2019 at 2:59
@ChaitanyaBapat I was still getting unbound variable as well until I used :- instead of -. So, for me at least, the ${1:-default} no loner raised the error. – 
Adam Badura
 Apr 9, 2020 at 11:26
As a side note, if you are trying to access an array element with an index out of range, you get the same error (with syntax ${my_array[$index]}).