Windows Service From Powershell Script

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Revision as of 18:55, 22 March 2022 by Busk (talk | contribs) (Created page with "C:\app\watchAuth0LDAPConn.ps1 ``` $url = "" $sleep = 3 Write-Output "Starting $url connection watcher." while($true){ try { $R = Invoke-WebRequest $...")
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$url = ""
$sleep = 3
Write-Output "Starting $url connection watcher."
  try {
          $R = Invoke-WebRequest $url
  catch {
          Write-Output "URL $url is unresponsive. Restarting Auth0LDAP service."
  Start-Sleep -s $sleep

# New-Service -Name "Auth0LDAPAppHealthWatcher" -BinaryPathName C:\app\checkTcpPort.ps1
# start-service Auth0LDAPAppHealthWatcher

Use nssm.exe to create service

$Binary = (Get-Command Powershell).Source
$Arguments = '-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -File "C:\app\watchAuth0LDAPConn.ps1"'
.\nssm.exe install watchAuth0LDAPConn $Binary $Arguments
start-service watchAuth0LDAPConn
get-service watchAuth0LDAPConn

you may be able to use sc.exe but I had issues with New-Service command