Ethereum Node Requirements

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Dec 2018

Client / Mode            | Block Number   | Disk Space | CLI flags                    |
parity +light +hardcoded |      6_850_000 |        14M | --light                      |
parity +light            |      5_600_000 |        89M | --light ---no-hardcoded-sync |
parity +warp -ancient    |      6_850_000 |        29G | --no-ancient-blocks          |
parity +warp             |      6_850_000 |       133G |                              |
parity -warp             |      6_850_000 |       133G | --no-warp                    |
parity -warp +archive    |      6_850_000 |       1.8T | --pruning archive            |


3 ways you can do sync to network:

--syncmode full: Geth client will download Block header + Block data + full Validation [Is called eth full node]

--syncmode fast: Geth client will download Block header + Block data + validate for last 1k transactions.

--syncmode light: Geth client will download Current state + Asks nodes for as its need. [Light node [It will request missing blocks from full nodes]

You can change syncmode my specifying --syncmode along with command prompt. fast is good. But if you dont have time and space try to use light.

<br />62

I'll take my shot. Experts, please correct me.

"Full" Sync: Gets the block headers, the block bodies, and validates every element from genesis block.

Fast Sync: Gets the block headers, the block bodies, it processes no transactions until current block - 64(*). Then it gets a snapshot state and goes like a full synchronization.

Light Sync: Gets only the current state. To verify elements, it needs to ask to full (archive) nodes for the corresponding tree leaves.

EDIT (*) in newer version of geth it's -64

fsMinFullBlocks        = 64              // Number of blocks to retrieve fully even in fast sync

A Geth node with Fast sync is around 130GB (source). 
However, according to this article, once Geth is done with Fast sync, it switches to full (archive) sync. 
With a Parity Archive node approaching 2TB (source) you can expect at least that much in disk-space (SSD with high i/o). 
Running a stable node is a challenge, so you may want to look into a service like QuikNode (cloud node-as-a-service), which offers Archive nodes w/ full chain data since genesis block.