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Combined display of all available logs of UVOO Tech Wiki. You can narrow down the view by selecting a log type, the username (case-sensitive), or the affected page (also case-sensitive).
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50 ) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)- 23:33, 11 September 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Irule snippets (Created page with "# No paths ``` when HTTP_REQUEST { HTTP::host "" pool mypool } ``` # using path based ``` when HTTP_REQUEST { switch -glob -- [string tolower [HTTP...")
- 19:00, 11 September 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Windows 2012 notes (Created page with "")
- 18:53, 11 September 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Powershell ciphers (Created page with "``` Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Cryptography\Configuration\Local\SSL\00010002 -Name Functions | findstr -i GCM_SHA ```")
- 18:02, 10 September 2023 Busk talk contribs created page F5 sdk snippets (Created page with "``` import requests import os requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() url = "" AD_USER = os.getenv('AD_USER') AD_PASS = os.env...")
- 22:38, 9 September 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Sql snippets (Created page with "``` select (select count(distinct status) from T) = 1 ``` will return 1 or 0 (i.e. true or false) depending on whether all of the rows have the same value in Status or not....")
- 23:47, 7 September 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Pandas sql (Created page with "# Prep for sqlite3 ``` import pandas as pd import sqlite3 def write_sql_from_dfs(): for table, df in dfs.items(): # loop through `dict` of dataframes uuids = [] for...")
- 20:36, 7 September 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Pandas snippets (Created page with "# DataFrame to JSON for SQL This will do it for all columns all rows. ``` for i in df.columns: df[i] = [json.dumps(x) for x in df[i]] df.to_sql(name='fb1', con=cnx, index=F...")
- 16:49, 1 September 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Reactjs list (Created page with "# useeffect -")
- 13:28, 29 August 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Pandas examples (Created page with "# Pandas Example of Reading Excel Spreadsheets ## Example of reading existing excel ``` #!/usr/bin/env python3 import pandas as pd import ast from openpyxl import load_workb...")
- 15:03, 23 August 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Import-pfxCertificate (Created page with "``` Get-ChildItem Cert:\ -Recurse $mypwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "foo" -Force –AsPlainText Import-PfxCertificate –FilePath .\")
- 16:04, 21 August 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Visudo (Created page with "visudo ``` %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL If you want to override entries in /etc/sudoers just put the new entries after them. The new entry should look like myuser ALL=(ALL) NOP...")
- 19:59, 17 August 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Azure certifications (Created page with "")
- 21:52, 16 August 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Postgres change data captures (Created page with "")
- 20:34, 15 August 2023 Busk talk contribs created page F5 python scripts (Created page with "# F5 Python Scripts ## requirements.txt ``` requests pydig fuzzywuzzy pandas tabulate office365 Office365-REST-Python-Client flake8 ``` ## setup virtual environment ``` sudo...")
- 13:49, 15 August 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Audit policy windows (Created page with "")
- 20:13, 9 August 2023 Busk talk contribs created page K6 large tests (Created page with "# Network connections - -")
- 19:56, 8 August 2023 Busk talk contribs created page F5 traffic throughput (Created page with "- - -")
- 20:17, 7 August 2023 Busk talk contribs created page F5 upgrade (Created page with "cli ``` ```")
- 17:12, 6 August 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Pandas parsing delimited file (Created page with " # No header space delimited ``` import pandas as pd df = pd.read_csv('virtualsevers.out', header=None, sep='\s+') df[0][0] for index, row in df.iterrows(): if row[3] != '0...")
- 15:35, 4 August 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Zfs export (Created page with " ``` lxc export k8s3 /bkp/tar/k8s3.tar.xz lxc info k8s3 ```")
- 19:05, 1 August 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Github Actions Runner Controller (Created page with "")
- 21:08, 31 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Zabbix Cleanup From Hanging Triggers Items (Created page with "``` delete from items where (name not like '%DEVNAME%' and key_ like 'perf_counter_en%PhysicalDisk%') or (name not like '%DEVNAME%' and key_ like 'net.if.%vmxnet3 Ethernet Ada...")
- 15:30, 26 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Zabbix agent powershell scripts (Created page with "``` ``` $file = "C:\app\zabbix\" $content = Get-Content $file -Encoding UTF8 -Raw $startString = "UserParameter=zbx.getIpaddr" $newString = "UserParamete...")
- 14:04, 26 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Get-ComputerInfo (Created page with "Get-ComputerInfo OsName,OsVersion,OsBuildNumber,OsHardwareAbstractionLayer,WindowsVersion")
- 15:20, 25 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Zabbix templates modifications (Created page with "Windows/Linux by Zabbix agent active ``` {$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX} 90->95 {$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.CRIT} 90->95 {$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.WARN} 80->90 ```")
- 17:30, 24 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Zabbix template upgrade (Created page with " ``` Hi! Same problem here (upgrade from 5.4 to 6.0)....")
- 21:46, 18 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Sumo query (Created page with "")
- 19:20, 18 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page K8s troubleshooting (Created page with "``` kubectl get node kubectl debug node/aks-nodepool1-12345678-vmss000000 -it")
- 00:33, 18 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page F5 sdk (Created page with "")
- 21:20, 17 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page F5 cleanup (Created page with "")
- 20:01, 16 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Color hex (Created page with "")
- 18:32, 16 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Wordpress themes (Created page with "")
- 15:30, 16 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page K8s cleanup (Created page with "``` kubectl get pv | grep Released | awk '$1 {print$1}' | while read vol; do kubectl delete pv/${vol}; done ```")
- 22:24, 15 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Ceph troubleshooting (Created page with "")
- 03:45, 15 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Woo commerce (Created page with "")
- 03:51, 13 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Wpforms stripe (Created page with "")
- 23:04, 12 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Postgres Azure Server parameters (Created page with "``` array_nulls ON OFF Dynamic Enable input of NULL elements in arrays. autovacuum ON OFF Dynamic Starts the autovacuum subprocess. autovac...")
- 23:53, 10 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page F5 log irule tcl (Created page with "")
- 18:46, 10 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Netstat without netstat (Created page with "``` # Get all open ports in hex format declare -a open_ports=($(cat /proc/net/tcp /proc/net/raw /proc/net/udp | grep -v "local_address" | awk '{ print $2 }')) # Define functi...")
- 20:55, 9 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Ulimit (Created page with "")
- 19:17, 9 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Wordpress loopback request issues (Created page with "")
- 18:42, 9 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page URL Tests (Created page with "# URL Tests")
- 14:00, 9 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Dmarc (Created page with "# Receive for external domain")
- 12:23, 9 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Waf (Created page with " https://kubernetes.githu...")
- 19:05, 7 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Network policies k8s (Created page with "")
- 13:28, 4 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Rook ceph (Created page with "")
- 23:52, 3 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Cephfs microk8s (Created page with "")
- 23:11, 3 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Openebs zfs (Created page with "")
- 00:33, 3 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Pod deletion in k8s (Created page with "")
- 19:22, 2 July 2023 Busk talk contribs created page Openebs errors (Created page with "``` helm install latest openebs-zfslocalpv/zfs-localpv --create-namespace -f values.yaml Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists....")