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Combined display of all available logs of UVOO Tech Wiki. You can narrow down the view by selecting a log type, the username (case-sensitive), or the affected page (also case-sensitive).
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50 ) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)- 16:04, 18 April 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Netbox (Created page with "# Migrating - # Kubernetetes Options - Try and Use this -")
- 09:00, 16 April 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Zabbix Kubernetes (Created page with "")
- 20:48, 14 April 2021 Busk talk contribs created page CoreDNS Troubleshooting (Created page with "")
- 22:26, 13 April 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Microk8s registry (Created page with "")
- 14:14, 11 April 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Postgresql Demos (Created page with "")
- 19:17, 8 April 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Kubernetes Delete (Created page with " ``` kubectl delete all --all -n {namespace} Method 2: You can also...")
- 20:17, 2 April 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Postgres Security (Created page with "")
- 17:15, 1 April 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Git clone (Created page with "GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -i deploy-key' git clone")
- 11:29, 1 April 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Kubernetes Networking (Created page with "")
- 03:09, 29 March 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Kubernetes Shortcuts (Created page with "# Short names ``` Short Full csr certificatesigningrequests cs componentstatuses cm configmaps ds daemonsets deploy deployments ep endpoints ev events hpa horizontalpo...")
- 14:59, 28 March 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Kubernetes Postgres Operator (Created page with "")
- 16:41, 20 March 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Microk8s on LXD 2 (Created page with "for i in kub1 kube2 kube3; do sudo lxc init ubuntu:20.04 $i --vm -c limits.cpu=4 -c limits.memory=8GB lxc config device override $i root size=32GB do lxc start kub1 kub2 kub3")
- 14:46, 20 March 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Kubernetes Troubleshooting (Created page with "rror: Kubernetes cluster unreachable: Get "http://localhost:8080/version?timeout=32s": dial tcp connect: connection refused root@singlekub:~# sudo kubectl conf...")
- 02:15, 20 March 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Kubernetes Deploy (Created page with "")
- 15:49, 19 March 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Minikube on Windows (Created page with " winget install minikube")
- 22:35, 18 March 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Powershell Linting (Created page with "")
- 19:19, 17 March 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Linux on Windows (Created page with "")
- 00:08, 16 March 2021 Busk talk contribs created page AWX (Created page with "")
- 15:57, 13 March 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Python Naming Convention (Created page with "module_name, package_name, ClassName, method_name, ExceptionName, function_name, GLOBAL_CONSTANT_NAME, global_var_name, instance_var_name, function_parameter_name, local_var_n...")
- 14:34, 13 March 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Python Multiprocessing (Created page with "")
- 19:36, 11 March 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Pywinrm (Created page with "``` import winrm from decouple import config USERNAME = config('USERNAME') USERPASS = config('USERPASS') USERPASS = config('HOST') s = winrm.Session(HOST, auth=(USERNAME, USE...")
- 19:23, 11 March 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Python Get Environment Variables (Created page with "")
- 22:04, 9 March 2021 Busk talk contribs created page FreeBSD (Created page with "BSD has it's place. Here are some reasons to use it.")
- 15:35, 8 March 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Psycopg2 (Created page with "")
- 21:15, 6 March 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Reactjs (Created page with "-")
- 13:59, 6 March 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Postgres Golang Rest Api Boilerplate (Created page with "-")
- 06:24, 6 March 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Postgres Links (Created page with "-")
- 06:13, 6 March 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Sftpgo (Created page with " # Bash Examples up ``` for dir in /app/sftpgo/data /app/sftpgo/home /app/sftpgo/share; do mkdir -p $dir done docker run --name sftpgo...")
- 20:04, 5 March 2021 Busk talk contribs created page PGP (Created page with " # Windows Install - - - DONATE Chea...")
- 19:49, 4 March 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Get-psdrive (Created page with "# Get windows drive info size")
- 19:48, 4 March 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Powershell Oneliners (Created page with " ### Get process owner ``` Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "name='sensu-agent.exe'" | Select Name, @{Name="UserName";Expression={$_.GetOwner().Domain+"\"+$_.GetOwner().Use...")
- 17:51, 1 March 2021 Busk talk contribs created page LXD on CentOS (Created page with "")
- 19:19, 27 February 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Python Flask Docker-Compose (Created page with "")
- 18:51, 26 February 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Windows SSH Server (Created page with "")
- 00:10, 22 February 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Resume 2021 (Created page with "My Wiki: (Dumping ground for things I’m working on.) Open Sourced Project: look under cicd for my work Git: https://...")
- 23:40, 21 February 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Golang Cheatsheet (Created page with "Shameless rip from ``` Introduction A tour of Go ( Go repl ( Golang wiki ( Hello world hello.go package main import...")
- 18:27, 21 February 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Docker Swarm (Created page with "List all containers over swarm ``` docker node ps $(docker node ls -q) ```")
- 22:07, 19 February 2021 Busk talk contribs created page DevOps Flows (Created page with "DevOps lifecyle breakdown and examles Code(git repo) -> Build -> Test -> Deploy -> Operate -> Monitor -> Code ...")
- 16:43, 18 February 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Vmware Extend Disk Redhat (Created page with " ``` To extend the logical volume: Caution: VMware recommends to take a complete backup of the virtual machine prior to making these...")
- 01:41, 17 February 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Windows DNS (Created page with "Update A record ``` get-dnsserverresourcerecord -name "hostname" -ZoneName "" Remove-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName "" -RRType "A" -Name "hostname" -R...")
- 23:08, 15 February 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Docker-compose (Created page with "``` docker-compose up -d --force-recreate ``` -V, --renew-anon-volumes Recreate anonymous volumes instead of retrieving data from the previou...")
- 20:58, 15 February 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Docker Shared Storage (Created page with "``` # create a reusable volume $ docker volume create --driver local \ --opt type=nfs \ --opt o=nfsvers=4,addr=,rw \ --opt device=:/path/to/dir...")
- 19:52, 15 February 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Docker-inspect (Created page with "docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' 5e1335481c38")
- 03:42, 15 February 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Powerdns letsencrypt (Created page with "")
- 00:09, 15 February 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Kubernetes Hairpin-Proxy (Created page with "Still doesn't work ``` kubectl get svc -n ingress | grep ingress output: nginx-ingress-microk8s-controller-86rjl.ingress.svc.cluster.local kubectl edit deploy hairpin-proxy-...")
- 22:04, 14 February 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Kubernetes Simple on Microk8s (Created page with "``` microk8s enable ingress microk8s enable dns kubectl create deployment exampleservice -n ingress-nginx kubectl expose deployme...")
- 19:14, 14 February 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Ingress-nginx (Created page with "# Install ``` kubectl create namespace ingress-nginx helm install --namespace ingress-nginx ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx ```")
- 14:47, 14 February 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Kubernetes ingress https (Created page with "")
- 19:12, 13 February 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Kubernetes Cleanup (Created page with "Delete all namespaces you don't want")
- 16:09, 13 February 2021 Busk talk contribs created page Kubernetes Letsencrypt (Created page with "- - -")