Cert scan
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Certificate HTTPS Scanning
This can be used for quick checking of https endpoints. Default is 443.
apt install jq
Download latest release for your platform from https://github.com/genkiroid/cert
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" if ($args.Count -lt 2) { Write-Host "Usage: get-dnsRecords.ps1 <zone name/domain> <windows dns hostname>" Write-Host "Example: get-dnsRecords.ps1 example win-dns-hostname" exit 1 } $zoneName = $args[0] $dnsHost = $args[1] # write-host "$zoneName" # exit $rsp = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $dnsHost -ScriptBlock { param($zoneName, $dnsHost) $dnsRecords = Get-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName $zoneName -RRType A foreach ($record in $dnsRecords) { Write-Output "$($record.HostName).$zoneName" } $dnsRecords = Get-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName $zoneName -RRType CName foreach ($record in $dnsRecords) { Write-Output "$($record.HostName).$zoneName" } } -ArgumentList $zoneName, $dnsHost write-output "$rsp" | Out-File -FilePath ".\$($zoneName).records" write-host "Records are in in file .\$($zoneName).records"
#!/bin/bash set -eu if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 <zoneName>" echo "Example: $0 example.com" exit 1 fi zoneName=$1 echo "Getting hosts array from $zoneName.records " textToRemove="@.$zoneName" hosts=$(cat $zoneName.records | sed 's/$textToRemove//g') cert -f json -skip-verify $hosts | jq > $zoneName.json echo "Check $zoneName.json for scan results."
This only works if $hosts var array is smaller
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" if ($args.Count -lt 1) { Write-Host "Usage: cert-scan.ps1 <zoneName>" Write-Host "Example: cert-scan.ps1 example.com" exit 1 } $zoneName = $args[0] write-host "Getting hosts from $($zoneName).records " $hosts = Get-Content .\$($zoneName).records $textToRemove = "@.$zoneName" $hosts = $hosts -replace [regex]::Escape($textToRemove), "" $hosts = -split $hosts cert.exe -f json -skip-verify $hosts # cert.exe -f json -skip-verify $hosts | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 > .\$($zoneName).json write-host "Check $($zoneName).json for scan results."