K8s sandbox
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Example 1
kubectl create deployment web --image=gcr.io/google-samples/hello-app:1.0 kubectl expose deployment web --type=NodePort --port=8080 kubectl get service web
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: example-ingress annotations: nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /$1 spec: rules: - host: hello-world.info http: paths: - path: / pathType: Prefix backend: service: name: web port: number: 8080
kubectl apply -f ingress.yml kubectl get ingress
curl -H "Host: hello-world.info"
More Examples
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: testnginx-deployment namespace: test spec: selector: matchLabels: app: testnginx replicas: 2 template: metadata: labels: app: testnginx spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx:latest ports: - containerPort: 80 --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: testnginx-service spec: type: NodePort selector: app: testnginx ports: # By default and for convenience, the `targetPort` is set to the same value as the `port` field. - port: 80 targetPort: 80 # Optional field # By default and for convenience, the Kubernetes control plane will allocate a port from a range (default: 30000-32767) nodePort: 30007
curl -H "Host: cafe.example.com"
- https://github.com/nginxinc/kubernetes-ingress/blob/master/examples/complete-example/cafe-ingress.yaml
- https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/