Difference between revisions of "Git"

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wipe history - you can use git clone as well or just copy files to new repo
wipe history - you can use git clone as well or just copy files to new repo
# Random commands
Show new lines
for i in $(git diff master...pr -- hosts.txt | grep "^+" | grep -v "^++" | cut -c2-); do echo add $i; done

Revision as of 11:36, 13 August 2020

Git Common Commands

git reset --soft HEAD~1  # Keep changes

git reset --hard HEAD~1  # Discard changes

ref: https://www.git-tower.com/learn/git/faq/undo-last-commit

git clone git@github.com:jeremybusk/myrepo.git
git checkout --orphan temp_branc
git add -A
git commit -m "add files"
git branch -D master
git branch -m master
git push -f origin master

wipe history - you can use git clone as well or just copy files to new repo

Random commands



Show new lines

for i in $(git diff master...pr -- hosts.txt | grep "^+" | grep -v "^++" | cut -c2-); do echo add $i; done